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The Universe is our supply

The Universe is our supply. Therefore, Galactic Federation, Ashtar’s Command, Archangel Michael & his Command, Jesus & his grouping, GABRIEL & The Light Brigade, as well as, Hilarion, Sananda, Maitreya request that we take the next month to realize that universal supply is within us. And that when we make a decision to conquer a plan that supersedes our conscious thoughts, like the universe is our supply, then we are on top of SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS.

Our thoughts are ideal things. Those thoughts manifest within months but not longer than two years. That is the supreme test for Earthlings, Manifestation/thought processes/even heartfelt emotional feelings/spiritual guidances/spiritual experiences/and, thoughts overpowering feelings all express Manifestation. During meditations or stillness begin to harmonize with nature and the things around you. Think about Manifestation/alchemy knowing that what one thinks eventually boomerangs back even if it is two years from the moment it was first thought or spoken about.


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