Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 10AM-5PM Central Standard Time
(except on Holidays)
Office: 512-278-0559
Email: Ashtara@SashaWhite.com
The BEST way to schedule a Phone Private Session is to call Ashtara's Office and leave a detailed message including your name & phone number for her assistant. Messages are typically returned Tues & Thurs afternoons when her Assistant is in her Office.
You may also send an Email - be sure to include your phone number (because calling is typically best)
Private Session requests are scheduled in the order they are received, so be sure to leave a message when you call so you can get on ASHTARA'S calendar faster!
Credit Card information is taken over the phone when your Session is booked to secure your appointment (however, your card will not be run until AFTER your Session is over).

LOVE DONATIONS lovingly welcomed & can be given via:
PayPal: Ashtara@SashaWhite.com