Happy New Year from Ashtara
To the Magical People that I Know, As you embark upon your particular "EVOLUTIONARY TRAIL", remember that you have more "SHIFTING" to do,...

St. Germain's Trust - Message 3
The situation at large has two components: China and other places like the Philippines, Indonesia and Africa have united this afternoon....

St. Germain's Trust - Message 2
We have never been closer and never been as united. The amount of courage each one of you have had to invest because of a worldwide...

Hahobe / The New World
HAHOBE / THE NEW WORLD In the beginning when thoughts became things, thus, it was deemed that there would be 5 EARTHS and they would be...

St. Germain's Trust - Message 1
The Masters, Angels, Deities wish to inform those who are involved with currencies like Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong and others that the...

Creating World Peace
World peace is imminent. It means “ending the world” at least as good as it began. And if you remember, it began with a beautiful garden,...

The Universe is our supply
The Universe is our supply. Therefore, Galactic Federation, Ashtar’s Command, Archangel Michael & his Command, Jesus & his grouping,...

Ashtar's Command requests the following
ASHTAR’S COMMAND requests the following: Be loving and sincere. Be of service to humans, animals, etc. Go your merry way rejoicing every...